Monday, September 19, 2011

How to Use CTRL-J in Firefox

When hitting Ctrl-J in Firefox, a new Firefox download window appears. In Microsoft Internet Explorer, hitting Ctrl-J shows PeopleSoft page information.

To view page information using Firefox browser, hold down the ctrl key and quickly hit "J" TWICE.


Also see the Resolution on My Oracle Support : E-PIA How to Use CTRL-J in Firefox [ID 756546.1]

Friday, September 02, 2011

How to Use CTRL+J in Google Chrome browser to display PeopleSoft Information

Hi, I use chrome for most of my browsing needs. However, when I login to "Peoplesoft", I generally use a shortcut Ctrl+J  to access some details that are specific to Peoplesoft. However, chrome has a predefined shortcut combo assigned with Ctrl+j. Does anyone know how to Disable it/Bypass it? On IE, pressing it twice will bypass the assigned shortcut. What's the procedure in Chorme?

Here is the solution, both works for me.

1. First press and hold J then press CTRL and release J.

2. Press CTRL+SHIFT+J Twice

For more details see the following link :

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Display Prompt on a Search dialog box

If you have a prompt defined on a search record, it does not get displayed if you have component properties –> Internet tab set to use Basic Mode. (Default). Only Advanced mode displays the prompt on the search dialog box.
