Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Application Designer Compare Report Slow

Recently After upgrade to People Tools 8.53 from PT 8.50, We have noticed that for a large project (611 items) compare report is running really slow taking more than 1 hour. This was even more slow (3 hours) if the database is located in remote data center.

Since People Tools 8.51 , PeopleSoft added the ability to write compare reports to database tables which was really causing this slowness.

If you are not planning to use the database tables to review compare reports, please do the following to speed the compare report process.

Go to Compare and Report –> Options

Select Report Option Tab and Uncheck Generate Output to tables.


This fixed the issue. you can also truncate the below tables if you do not need to store the previous version of compare reports.

truncate table PSCOMPDEFN;
truncate table PSCOMPITEM;
truncate table PSCOMPITEMDATA;
truncate table PSCOMPSESSION;
truncate table PSCOMPOBJDIFF;
truncate table PSCOMPOBJLONG;

The first 3 tables are no longer used in PT 8.54

MOS (My Oracle Support Articles)

E-UPG PT8.51+: Are Tables Updated with Compare Report Data? (Doc ID 1290456.1)

E-COMP: Generate Output To Tables Option Not Writing Results To The Tables In 8.54 (Doc ID 1958074.1)

E-PUM: How to Improve Performance on Step "Comparing ADS MO Project From File" (Doc ID 1965298.1)

Also you can export the configuration manger config file and add the following under PSIDE section below after line : UpgXmlOutput=REG_DWORD=0


You can then use this config file to install other workstations with same configuration.

Alternatively, you can add the below to a notepad and save as psidecompare.reg and ask user to run it manually to change the setting.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
