Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Error getting report repository location. (63,85)

If you are getting this message when running a new Report, and all the configuration settings are correct then the issue is due to incorrect initialization of psreports or SchedulerTransfer servlet. This issue was resolved in 8.48.16 but appeared again in 8.50.10. To fix this simply do the following.


From the IE browser, just paste the following URL.

If using NON SSL

if using SSL

Replace with the actual Report repository web server name and port with actual port number used. Also if you use non default site, then replace ps with the actual pia site name.

See the Metalink resolution :

E-RD: Reports do not post initially when the Web Server is bounced [Video] [ID 660253.1]  

Other Option is to open a previously successful report that invokes the psreports servlet.

This could be specific to WebLogic version and Patch applied.

WebLogic 10.3.2 32 Bit on Red Hat Linux 5.3 64 bit


java version "1.6.0_17"

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_17-b04)

BEA JRockit(R) (build R27.6.6-28_o-125824-1.6.0_17-20091214-2104-linux-ia32, compiled mode)

PeopleTools : 8.50.10

All the patches applied using WebLogic Smart Update Utility: bsu


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

PeopleTools 8.50 Known Issues - Master Note [ID 1114793.1]

Oracle has posted a Master Resolution on Metalink (Flash based: or Non Flash based (

Resolution ID: 1114793.1

It has broken the incidents into following categories.

  1. Application Development
  2. Install/Updates
  3. Integration Tools
  4. Reporting Tools
  5. Server Tools
  6. Open Incidents (ALL components)


This document will be updated frequently. Please check this document to see if your issue is already listed in it.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

List of Batch Processes in queued status

The following sql will generate a list of batch processes in queued status in Process Monitor.

SELECT b.prcsinstance,
       (SELECT e.descr
        FROM   ps_prcsdefn e
        WHERE  e.prcstype = b.prcstype
               AND e.prcsname = b.prcsname) descr,
       (SELECT a.oprdefndesc
        FROM   psoprdefn a
        WHERE  a.oprid = b.oprid) NAME,
       (SELECT f.qryname
               || ', '
               || f.descr
        FROM   ps_query_run_cntrl f
        WHERE  f.oprid = b.oprid
               AND f.run_cntl_id = b.runcntlid) qryname,
       (SELECT xlatshortname
        FROM   psxlatitem c
        WHERE  c.fieldname = 'RUNSTATUS'
               AND c.fieldvalue = b.runstatus)  rundescr,
       (SELECT d.xlatshortname
        FROM   psxlatitem d
        WHERE  d.fieldname = 'DISTSTATUS'
               AND d.fieldvalue = b.diststatus) distdescr,
FROM   psprcsrqst b
WHERE  runstatus IN ( 5 )
ORDER  BY rundttm DESC 

Invalid signon time for user

when user tries to signon they get the following message on the Login Page.

Invalid signon time for user


This message is thrown due to a  blank classid row in PSROLECLASS table. Use the following SQL to determine the Cause.
select * from psroleclass where  classid = ' '

To fix this, run this SQL.
delete from psroleclass where  classid = ' '

No Appserver or Webserver bounce was required.

This was tested in 8.50.10