Saturday, November 13, 2010

You are not authorized to run process type XRFWIN and process name Crystal. (65,8)

This happens if the user’s Primary Permission List or Process Profile Permission list is blank and user is trying to submit a Process request using Process Scheduler.

To fix this, make sure that user profile has valid primary permission list and Process profile permission list defined.

You can use the following sql to find out which users does not have primary permission list or process profile permission list.

Primary Permission List SQL

select * from psoprdefn where oprclass = ' ';

Process Profile Permission List SQL
select * from psoprdefn where prcsprflcls = ' ';

You get the following Message if Primary permission list is blank.



Windows Internet Explorer


You are not authorized to run process type XRFWIN and process name Crystal. (65,8) PRCSRQSTDLG_WRK.LOADPRCSRQSTDLGPB.FieldFormula Name:LaunchAndRunProcessRequest PCPC:97211 Statement:1113

Called from:PRCSRQSTDLG_WRK.LOADPRCSRQSTDLGPB.FieldFormula Name:LaunchProcessRequestDlg Statement:1133


You must be specifically authorized to run this process. Authorization is granted using the Process Definition table and Maintain Security


You get the following message, if the Process Profile Permission list is blank.


Windows Internet Explorer


Process Profile defined for user ID %2 is invalid (65,111)

The process profile assigned to the user ID is either not valid or blank. Update the User Profile for the user ID in the Maintain Security component with a valid process profile.


You also get this message in addition to above.


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