Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Unable to find a Routing Corresponding to the incoming Request Message (158,505)

When testing a WSDL or WADL you are getting the above message in the output Unable to find a Routing Corresponding to the incoming Request Message (158,505). for e.g. after publishing the WSDL for Soap or WADL for Rest, you try to view the WSDL or WADL and get the above message. 

1. Make sure that GETWADL and GETWSDL Service Operation which is part of IB_UTILITY Service is active and has any to local routing defined and active. Once you add the missing routing, Go to Routing Definition and Select Parameter Tab and make sure that External alias is exactly GetWADL for GETWADL and GetWSDL for GETWSDL. If it is anything other for e.g. GETWADL or GETWADL.V1 it will not work.



See following My Oracle Support Resolutions 1949257.1 and 1572531.1 for more information.

Sample URL to view WADL and WSDL are



To find out which WSDL or WADL are published to  WSDL Repository, Do the following Select.

select * from PSIBWSDLDFN;

Note: This is tested in 8.53.09 and 8.53.12 but may be valid for other PeopleTools version as well.


clarf said...

Thank you. This solution worked fine for my WSDL problem.

glao said...

it works for me too, thanks